Join the Community
What motivates people to get involved in the Kerrington’s Heart community?
There are a multitude of reasons that people get involved in the Kerrington’s Heart community. While what motivates one person may be very different from what motivates another, we’ve provided some of the most common reasons as well as some common benefits that can arise from such involvement.
Giving Is Only Part of It: While donations are always beneficial and welcomed, it is only one aspect of getting involved. For many, making a difference in the lives of the families and children affect by CHD is a far more important and fulfilling aspect of community engagement. Regardless of age, race, gender, economic status, religious beliefs, or political leanings, everyone can make a difference.
Connecting: forming new friendships, connecting with other individuals who are passionate about CHD awareness, seeing firsthand the strength and perseverance these children and families possess, getting to know Kerrington’s Heart children and families and showing them they aren’t alone in their fight, establishing relationships both personally and professionally at the multitude of events Kerrington’s Heart offers their families (i.e. Wild Hearts Fun Run, Cookies with Santa, Family Fun Day, Family Camp, etc.)
Education: promoting CHD awareness, educating people about the importance of CHD support and research, learning about new issues that you may have previously been unaware of, some students may find volunteering and community engagement with a well-established organization with a positive reputation in the community as a good way to boost college applications or meet requirements for certain courses
Understanding: gaining a better grasp of the CHD community’s current needs, learning about some of the challenges that children and families may face, discovering ways that individuals in the CHD community come together to achieve a common goal, understanding the inclusivity and passion behind the Kerrington’s Heart mission
Influencing Change: helping to make the community a better place to live, helping to improve the lives of countless individuals in the Kerrington’s Heart network and beyond, working with others to develop new strategies for helping individuals affected by a CHD