Meet Kyle
/Child's Diagnosis: Acute rejection of cardiac transplant, pain of left lower extremity, Pulmonary Hypertension, Occlusion of Artery, long term current use of immunosuppressive drug, aberrant right subclavian artery, S/P Orthotopic Heart Transplant, Shone’s Complex Syndrome
Has Kerrington’s Heart impacted your journey? If so, how?:
The amount of support that I have had by Kerrington's heart has been unbelievable. They have made our heart Journey more bearable. Not only have they helped me financially but emotionally as well. They have followed us from the beginning and has continued, they are such a tremendous help and we our truly grateful.
What’s one thing you wish you’d been told at the beginning of your journey?:
How emotionally draining it would be.
Please share a little bit about your story:
Our Journey began when my baby boy was 13 days Old and barely responsive. Kyle was diagnosed with Shone's complex at 19 days old, after he had his first open heart surgery. As he got older his heart started to get worse and he had to have several open heart surgeries, pacemakers and that eventually lead to him needing a heart transplant. He was listed for his heart transplant in February 2012 and had his heart transplant on December 4 through the fifth of 2012.